Multilingual Fortification Dictionary
The Multilingual Fortification Dictionary (MFD) contains a illustrated list of fortifications and their translations in multiple languages.
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A12b: earthwork, quadrangular with half bastions

This drawing is created by Chris Weber. © International Fortress Council
- Croatian
- kvadratno utvrđenje s polubastionima
- Czech
- čtyřúhelníková šance s půlbastiony
- Dutch
- schans, vierhoekig, met halve bastions
- English
- earthwork, quadrangular with half bastions
- French
- ouvrage quadrangulaire à demi-bastions (une)
- German
- viereckige, Schanze (f) (= Erdwerk (n)) mit Halbbastionen/ viereckiges Werk (n) mit Halbbastionen (f)
- Italian
- Ridotta (Fortificazione) bastionata quadrangolare con mezzi bastioni
- Lithuanian
- keturkampis šancas su pusiniais bastionais
- Polish
- twierdza bastionowa na narysie kwadratu z półbastionami
- Portuguese
- obra quadrangular abaluartada com meios baluartes
- Spanish
- Swedish