Multilingual Fortification Dictionary
The Multilingual Fortification Dictionary (MFD) contains a illustrated list of fortifications and their translations in multiple languages.
The system is very simple:
Look at a picture and find the names in many languages
Look for a name, and find a picture of the object and the names in the other languages
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This drawing is created by Chris Weber. © International Fortress Council
- Croatian
- Czech
- pěchotní střílny
- Dutch
- schietopeningen
- English
- French
- German
- verschiedene Formen von Schießscharten: Schlitzscharte (f) / Kreuzscharte (f) / Armbrustscharte (f) / Schlüssellochscharte (f)
- Italian
- Feritoia - Cannoniera - Falconiera - Archibugiera - Moschettiera - Troniera - Arciera - Balestriera - Saettiera
- Lithuanian
- Skirtingų formų šaudymo angos: lizdzo formos/kryžiaus formos/arbaleto formos/rakto skylutės formos
- Polish
- formy strzelnic, krzyżowa, szczelinowa, hakownicza itd.
- Portuguese
- seteira, troneira (com forma circular)
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Olika typer av skyttegluggar